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Book Names
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Internal Auditing Pocket Guide

The author guides readers through their entire audit in this easy-to-use pocket guide. From the audit assignment to analyzing results and following-up on the action items, this guide summarizes all the steps necessary to complete an internal audit. Charts, graphics, and illustrations are used to demonstrate the audit process throughout this text. The author also emphasizes fundamental audit principles by referencing 20 audit principles throughout the text. This book differentiates itself from other audit guides because it is focused on internal auditing practices. The book is appropriate for those who have no prior knowledge of audit principles or techniques. 2003, 161 pages.

Training for Internal Auditing Basics

Process Auditing Techniques Guide

Description: The author focuses on the methods and techniques of conducting internal and external process audits. In this book the reader will learn how to apply PDCA and ACDP techniques, prepare process flow and tree diagrams, determine process effectiveness, assess compliance, controls, risk and process optimization, and compose an audit report. This guide is ideal for individuals who have a general understanding of auditing techniques and is written for auditors who conduct first, second, and third-party audits to any standard or work instruction. 2003, 156 pages. 2nd, 2000, 256 pages

Training for Process Auditing Techniques

Continual Improvement Assessment (CIA) Guide

This is the first pocket guide of its kind to bring together auditing techniques and guidelines as a structured systematic program for monitoring and promoting continual improvement. Use this guide to develop an assessment tool for your programs that will ensure there is quantifiable and sustainable improvement and identifiable opportunities. A glossary of terms and appendices, including tools such as Continual Improvement Map for ISO 9001, Continual Improvement Perception Survey, and ISO 9004 Assessment Criteria Checklist, are helpful in applying the principles outlined is this useful pocket guide. 2004, approx XXX pages.

Continual Improvement Assessment

ISO 9004 Assessment Criteria Checklist for Performance Improvement

The ISO 9004 Assessment Criteria Checklist provides a checklist with over 200 criteria you can use to evaluate your organization's and your supplier's progress and to set ever increasing goals for improvement. The checklist arrangement allows you to compare your organization's and your supplier's performance to a widely accepted set of criteria found in the ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9004-2000 Quality management systems - Guidelines for performance improvements standard. The criteria are on CD that is indexed and allows data entry in form fields aligned with each criteria. Supplemental observations can be added in an open notes section. 2004, XXX pages on CD.

Continual Improvement Assessment

ISO 9000 Series Standards


ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2000: Quality Management Systems: Requirements - This standard specifies the quality system requirements (QMS) for an organization.

ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9000-2000 Series - Quality management systems-Fundamentals and vocabulary. Provides guidance on quality fundamentals and definitions of ISO 9001 terms.

ISO 9001 Requirements A to Z


Customer Satisfaction Toolkit

Companies are now required to have a solid customer satisfaction system in place to achieve ISO 9001:2000 certification. To help achieve this, best selling author and renowned customer satisfaction expert, Sheila Kessler has written this easy-to-use toolkit which provides the basic tools currently being used in customer satisfaction systems, and shows how they can be applied in meeting ISO 9001:2000 requirements.Customer Satisfaction Toolkit for ISO 9001:2000 is a complete reference that provides the specific and necessary information required to establish a solid customer satisfaction system.


Customer Satisfaction

ISO Lesson Guide 2000

The ISO Lesson Guide 2000 discusses quality, its measurable characteristics, and the role of customer requirements in all quality management systems in simple easy to understand terms. Also included is a handy ISO 9001 conspectus that may be pulled out for personal use.The ISO Lesson Guide is a great training aid and ideal handout for new and existing employees who need to understand ISO 9001 requirements. 2000, 71 pages.

ISO Lesson Guide 2000

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