TOC for Continual Improvement Assessment

Chapter 1: Why Check Continual Improvement?
Chapter 2: Continual Improvement Assessment Planning
Chapter 3: Verifying Continual Improvement
Chapter 4: Process Auditing for Continual Improvement
Chapter 5: Reporting Performance and Wealth
Chapter 6: Assessment for Gaps Compared to Performance Excellence Models
Chapter 7: Self-Assessment Perception Survey
Chapter 8: Managing the CIA Program
Appendix A: Continuous versus Continual
Appendix B: Required Continual Improvement Record
Appendix C: 8Ds for Solving Problems
Appendix D: PFD Procedure
Appendix E: Continual Improvement Map for ISO 9001
Appendix F: FP Matrix
Appendix G: Costs and F/P Matrix
Appendix H: Complaint Costs
Appendix I: 9004 Function Matrix
Appendix J: Example: ISO 9004 Assessment Criteria Checklist for Performance Improvement
Appendix K: Continual Improvement Perception Survey
Appendix L: Quality Management Principles
Appendix M: Reporting Findings

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